We offer lessons that cater for children working at Primary level, between the ages of 3 and 11.
This syllabus is designed to meet the goals provided by the National Curriculum and support children in exceeding the age-related expectations.
Our curriculum offers lessons to support your children’s:
Writing, Spelling and Grammar
Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning
Year 1 Screening Check
The phonics scheme that we follow is based on ‘Letters and Sounds’. In Reception, we teach phases 2, 3 and 4 and in Year 1, we revise these as we deliver phase 5.
Fly High Tutors provide extensive opportunities for revision and application of previously taught sounds to ensure that this learning is securely embedded, as the pupils progress.
As our tutors have experience in preparing children for the Year 1 phonics check and have previously attended various conferences discussing the teaching of phonics, we can confidently assure our parents of an outstanding phonics programme.
Year 2 and Year 6 SATs
At Fly High Tutors, we understand the pressures that arise for children, when they encounter the SATs years, at school. We aim to support these children in confidently preparing for their tests, while maintaining a stress-free and motivated mindset.
With tutors that have multiple years’ experience
in preparing children for their SATs, we are able to provide the best resources and delivery to maximise their
achievements and relieve any concerns.
Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check
With the introduction of the compulsory multiplication check, we aim to support our children to develop fluency in their times tables through fun and stress-free activities.
Fluency is built up throughout each year by:
- explicit teaching of new times tables
- frequent revision and assessment
- fun and speedy starters
- engaging games
In Year 4, we have introduced a quick-recall challenge called 'Ninja Maths!' Children are challenged to improve their previous score to unlock the next ninja card. This helps to keep our children motivated and their times
tables embedded.
Our syllabus is designed by us to meet the same aims as the current National Curriculum, in a successive and progressive way to allow your children to build upon and consolidate their learning week by week. These plans are adapted to challenge each and every student to feel confident and prepared to deepen their understanding even further, in the following years to come.